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diving in concord, california

Concord Diving

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Scuba diving in Concord

Concord, in Contra Costa County is located within San Francisco Bay area. This facilitates the access to the numerous and diverse dive sites in this area. Concord is rich in underwater activities. You can dive both Francisco Bay Area and Pacific Ocean dive sites which are home to many kinds of underwater life.

Always dive according to your level of training.
Never enter the water without checking with Concord dive centers for safety, additional information, level required for each dive site and without being accompanied by a professional.
All the information provided is purely informative for our readers and shouldn't be used as is to plan your immersion.

Average annual temperature: Between 17°C and 30°C. (64° F and 87° F)
Visibility often averaging: Visibility is between 15 and 20 feet (4 to 6 meters).
Coldest time: December
Warmest time: July
Possible to dive all year round.

Concord offers a great experience for diving and snorkeling fans. Dive sites near Concord have provided a good environment for a variety of fish life including large populations of rockfish and kelp forests. Some of the best places you can dive in are Francisco Bay on the south east of Concord. The calm water of the area and its variety in dive sites suit divers with all levels of expertise.

The diving centers in Concord offer a wide array of diving courses. Be it a beginnercourse, an advanced course or even a technical diving course, you will be able to find something to suit your needs. Instruction is available for groups through the year but in some schools you may request a private course. Refresher courses are available for those making a come back after an absence.

Most dive stores carry a wide choice of scuba diving equipment. For beginners and anyone who needs advice there is competent staff to help you purchase the equipment that best fits your needs and budget.

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