red sea diving
North Red Sea dive sites

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North Red Sea dive sites guide

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North Red Sea dive sites guide


Always dive according to your level of training.
Check with your dive center for safety and level required for each dive site.

The North is the region between Sinai and Hurghada.

In the North the best dive sites are definitely The Wreck of Thislegorm and the Ras Mohamed Marine Park

The wrecks of the Suez Gulf entrance
The entrance of the Gulf of Suez has a very high concentration of wrecks.

The Thistlegorm wreck
One of the top wreck dives in the world, a gooddive tip!
You'll need to dive it more than once to explore more than a tiny part of the wreck.
max depth: 34m

The Dunraven wreck
The Dunraven is a British steamer that sank in 1876 on its way home from India. It lies upside-down at a depth of about 20m, broken in two and completely encrusted with brilliant coral.

This area counts more than 10 other interesting wrecks. A paradise for wreck fans, a gooddive tip!

Ras Mohamed is a national park. Each diver has to pay a daily entrance fee. Strong drop of covered in coral worth the Red Sea. On the Southern tip, where the current splits an encounter with sharks is most likely.
Nearly always where  currents split or join makes an interesting place to dive
, a gooddive tip!

Hurghada area
Hurghada is one of the most dived destinations in the world. It is not rare to see between 20 to 40 diving boats on the same dive site... take care to remember the name of your boat... 

Careless Reef
The most exposed reef in the Hurghada area, two small reefs and a plateau which extends from Northwest to Southeast. Only on calm days can you reach this reef. The north side is dominated by the sheer drop off, offering a great place to see large pelagic fish and maybe cruising Sharks. The gardens on both ends of the reef also offer resting places for Sharks; here there are lots of large table corals, with many bearing the scars from the infestation in recent years of the Crown of Thorns star fish. 

Small Giftun
The East of the island offers great wall dives, large fish can be seen in the open water and Gorgonian fans grow out from the walls. Hammerheads are often seen here cruising off the wall. This site can have strong currents so don't stray too far from the wall. As you reach your permitted time at depth ascend over the top of the plateau and follow the reef back to the moorings. For dives on the plateau look out for Giant Morays, Napoleon fish, Blue spotted Rays, Crocodile fish and on the reef walls Scorpion fish and Stone fish. There are also some pottery remains from an old Roman Galleon ship.

Sinai dive sites
Liveabaord boats
Red Sea photo gallery
Hurghada dive centers

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